Yoga in Oxford
Enjoy your yoga with mindful focus, full relaxation and learn to use your breath and stillness to create calm

Hatha Yoga with Hazel
Yoga for You
Mixed ability Hatha yoga with mindfulness and strength

Side plank for stamina!
Breathe and smile
Enjoy flowing yoga, breathe, and full sound relaxation
Hatha Yoga
Do you keep meaning to get yourself moving more?
Notice you miss some focus and stillness with your yoga?
Do you really need to create a time slot just for you?
Join sessions that give yourself yoga for you: choose to challenge and space to unravel and relax. Learn the tweaks to deepen or adapt your poses and link in sequences. Find your inner calm with pranayama and stillness. Hatha Yoga helps give you the full experience of yoga with intention .
Gift yourself with a full day or morning retreat. I love the energy of the smaller groups and more time to personal attention. Enjoy exploring the poses and feel of yoga a weekly class can't deliver. Be nourished with aromatherapy and care taken to create ahimsa or loving kindness.
I found walking into classes where nobody said hello and often the teacher didn't even share their name was so disappointing. Join your local group or day and arrive to a warm welcome.
Come and join me in my 20th year of teaching, here in Oxford and Cumnor. Join me in Italy in 2025? A week in Tuscany is a wonderful time to celebrate you and dive deep into your yoga. Plus absolutely a holiday with home cooking and pool, and space to relax!